Starting 2020 Off Right

December 29, 2019

Starting 2020 off right and officially launching the revamp of Looking Dapper! It’s been about a year, 1 month, and a few days since I launched Looking Dapper. (Which is honestly insane lol!) I have learned so much about myself, business, and just life in general. In 2019 I started a business called Dapper Designs and married the most amazing man I could have ever asked for. I started this blog to have a creative space to express myself by showing my style, traveling trips, beauty favorites, and life to whoever wanted to look at it. But it soon turned into something so much more to me. From the good to the bad my mission is to show that you can authentically be yourself no matter what. Dude, there is not one other person in the world who is just like you; so just embrace that shit and love who you are!

Be Authentic

With that being said, I’m starting 2020 off right and making this blog a place where everyone feels welcomed and not judged! The world can be a harsh reality at times, so Looking Dapper will be a place where you can come to escape that reality. I plan on having women of all kinds coming on Looking Dapper and talking about whatever it is they want to express to the world. It could be about their profession, motherhood, mental health, fashion, or love life! You name it, idgaf! I want women to feel like they have a voice and if they have something they want to say, I’ll be giving them that platform to get it off of their chest! 

Don’t get it twisted, lol the majority of my content will be fashion and beauty related! I love being able to provide some sort of advice to everyone. That way I know I’m actually doing something for you guys and showing you how much I appreciate the support you all give me!


  • Continue to grow my business and work with clients that I genuinely love.
  • Be the best wife that I can possibly be b/c my mans deserves that!
  • Be more present in my life and try not to always be thinking about something else. (Be in the moment)
  • Post at least 1 blog post a week!
  • Don’t be so hard on myself because that doesn’t do any good for anyone!
  • Enjoy life no matter what is happening. It takes a lot to get me truly upset but when I do… it really effects me. No more!
  • Collaborate more with businesses and brands I love!
  • I strive for this every year but try to be the best version of myself in every aspect of my life!

What are your 2020 goals?

I want to know what goals you have all set up for yourselves? This way maybe we can keep each other accountable! So, leave a comment below if you want or head over to my Instagram and leave a comment on my most recent picture. I’m so excited about this new chapter for Looking Dapper and I cannot wait to see what becomes of it!

XOXO – Kirsten C.