Chargois Wedding in Cabo San Lucas

I’ve been looking forward to writing the Chargois Wedding blog post for months and now I’m sitting here like where do I start… lol. Planning a wedding; to say that was hard for me would be an understatement. I give a round of applause to the women that can plan a wedding and find it fun and not stressful. Because I had the complete opposite feeling, and I soon learned that I’m not the only one who feels this way. Also, this is all based on my experience and the way that I feel and by no way am I saying this is right for everyone. This is just what was right for me and not everyone will feel the same way and that’s totally ok. If you want to have the biggest wedding in the world idc. I just want it to be what you want and not what others expect. If you were to take anything away from this blog post please take away this: “Your wedding day is the ONLY day in your life that is meant to be ALL about you, your significant other, and the love you have for each other. So PLEASE make that day what YOU want it to be and not what everyone else wants it to be. I would hate for anyone to look back on their day and it not represent them at all in any way. Hopefully, your loved ones will be supportive and just be happy that you’re making this day what you envisioned it to be!” So here’s the Chargois Wedding in Cabo San Lucas!

“The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds, and that’s what you’ve given me.”

– Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook


In the beginning, I was planning on having our wedding out where I live. We have plenty of room and there’s literally no one around us. When I say planning, I mean I hired a wedding planner, booked hair/makeup, and had food picked out lol. Let me just say, it would have been beautiful!! But it started to feel like something I didn’t want it to. I absolutely hate leaving people out (hints the huge ass Halloween parties I use to have lol)! Because of this, the wedding was going to be HUGE. Jordan and I both have very big families and with just them going the number was at like 275. It started to feel more like an event than a wedding to me, and that’s not what I wanted at all. I’m going to be real honest right now and go ahead and say what everyone is thinking. SOMETIMES people get married for the wedding and not the marriage, and that’s just not my cup of tea.

To each, your own and do your thing but I just wanted to be married. I truly gave zero f**** about all the wedding bs lol. I didn’t think I would be like that at all either. Only because I LOVE setting up for parties and having a theme to work around. And I don’t think I would have felt this way about wedding planning if there wasn’t this immense amount of pressure that is behind it nowadays! People always say it’s all about you and blah blah blah but really it’s not about you at all. It’s about what everyone else wants and what they expect your wedding to be like. I’m sorry but the expectation to spend X amount of money on something to look a certain way because people expect that from you is total bs! IT’S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT EVERYONE ELSE, IT’S SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT YOU TWO! There are all these “rules” you have to follow, and if you don’t do certain things… oh you’re just not traditional or no you can’t do that, that’s not how it works. I really hate this narrative that people have on weddings. Why can’t it just be about two people who want to celebrate finding their person? Not the judgment and expectations of what others think your wedding should be. So to end this rant lol, after REALLY seeing what a side of the wedding planning process is all about and wanting no part of it; we decided to completely cancel the plans at home and go to Cabo San Lucas!!


My favorite thing to do on the planet is to go on family and friend trips together. I’ve traveled my entire life and I’m so grateful to be able to say I’ve seen some AMAZING places! So I wanted my family and friends to go on a trip and experience something new together. Just have fun, relax, and enjoy each other’s company. A place where everyone can get to know each other more and just have a good time! We did just that because when I say we had the best time… I really mean that. It was one of the best trips I’ve ever been on, and if you ask anyone else they would probably say the same! It was so fun and insanely beautiful, I highly recommend taking a trip to Cabo! I for sure will be going back very soon and I’ll probably always take trips back there.

We had our dads marry us which meant SO much to me! I’ve always wanted someone who really knows me and Jordan to marry us. For me, that meant so much more than someone I’m not close to at all. We also decided to write our own vows, and let me just say this was my favorite part. We weren’t going to do that if we had a big wedding at home because there would have been way too many people. But because we only had our closest family and friends there we felt 10 times more comfortable with being so vulnerable in front of those people. I cried the ENTIRE time I read mine aloud lol, and by the end of us reading our vows; we had everyone there crying haha! It was such a special moment that I will cherish forever. We have it all on video as well… so when Jordan is getting on my nerves I’ll just go watch that and feel a little better lol!

So at the end of the day, all the bs was worth it because I could not have imagined our wedding any other way. It was EXACTLY what I wanted. No stress, no wedding day fighting with everyone; just a small group of family and friends having a great time on vacation together. Everyone was so comfortable just being themselves and not worried about a single thing.

Questions people have asked me the most:

  • Make sure you’re able to swim in the water at your resort. You’re not able to get into the water at most places and I highly recommend this!
  • Go to Lovers Beach and take some photos! It’s SO WORTH IT! Check out the photos under portraits on the home page.
  • Make sure your wedding is during prime time sunset… you won’t regret that decision.
  • I felt extremely safe there so go out and explore. Just make sure you’re always with someone… NEVER be alone when you’re in another country.
  • Check out the shops and food at the marina! If you like boats you’ll see some pretty big ones there too!
  • All the guys went on an offshore fishing trip the day before the wedding and they all LOVED it!
  • The nightlife is pretty amazing and I highly recommend checking that out! Just always be aware of your surroundings and don’t go by yourself!
  • The resort we stayed at was all-inclusive and it was the best service. They had great food, VERY friendly workers, and it felt like you were somewhere in Greece! I plan on going back there – Pueblo Bonito Los Cabos! Pueblo Bonito has about 6 resorts in Cabo and if you have the all-inclusive package you’re allowed to go to all resorts to eat and drink!

I’m sure there is MANY other things I could say but if I told yall everything this blog post would never end lol! I hope this helps you somehow… I know I’ve had quite a few girls DM me saying they love that I’m talking about this topic. I just want everyone to do what they want for their wedding and not feel bad about it. It doesn’t have to be this super structured thing; with a ton of rules, you are expected to follow. You can make your wedding day anything you want it to be. If you want to serve subway sandwiches and chocolate milk at your wedding you go right ahead and anyone who doesn’t like that can go ahead and leave. Just make it what you want and true to yourself and I promise you will NEVER look back being like why did I do that. You all deserve to have your special day be yours!

I’m so happy to be able to finally write this blog post and I really hope you all enjoyed it! If you have any questions you can leave a comment below or DM on Instagram! Thank you so much for reading!!


Go ahead and book her now, you won’t regret it!

XOXO – Kirsten C.