15 Things Currently In My Amazon Cart

As we continue to practice social distancing, many of us are spending a ton of time at home (which is absolutely necessary!). A lot of us are working from home and this new quarantined lifestyle means a lot online purchases. I think I have an Amazon box at my house every other day.. lol! Oh well at least I’m doing my economic duty right? So I just wanted to show you guys 15 Things Currently In My Amazon Cart that I think you will all enjoy!

The bike shorts movement isn’t over just yet! I love throwing on a pair of cycling shorts with an oversized sweatshirt or t-shirt, and I like them for working out at home too. Add these to your weekly rotation and you’ll be surprised how many outfits you can create.

Since we’re not going anywhere, there’s no point in putting on some real shoes (unless your workout requires so!). This is your chance to snag some extra comfy slippers and slides for hanging at home.

Summer is the season of laying out in the sun and getting your tan on, which also means that burns and dry, flaky skin can also become an issue. Dry brushing is a great way to exfoliate your skin and increase blood circulation.


I hope you guys enjoyed this ’15 Things Currently In My Amazon Cart’ blog post!

XOXO – Kirsten C.

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